US Govt invests $7M to modernize water & wastewater infrastructure

US Govt invests $7M to modernize water & wastewater infrastructure

The Trump Administration announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing over $7 million to modernize critical drinking water and wastewater infrastructure for rural Missouri communities. Over 25,000 rural Missourians will benefit from the funding.

“Much of the state’s rural water and wastewater infrastructure is beginning to age,” said USDA Rural Development Missouri State Director Jeff Case. “However, as Missouri’s partner in rural prosperity, USDA Rural Development is able to come along side communities in need and provide affordable financing to make needed improvements. Modern infrastructure is critical to all rural communities because when rural America thrives, all America thrives.”

USDA is providing the funding through the Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant program. Case announced the following four Missouri communities will receive funding:

  • The City of Van Buren will use a $2,382,000 loan and a $1,238,000 grant to improve its water distribution system. Improvements include replacing approximately four miles of water distribution lines, replacing valves, installing new flush hydrants, installing two new water wells, and installing a new 250,000-gallon elevated storage tank as well as a 60,000-gallon standpipe.

  • A $1,031,000 loan and a $1,050,300 grant will be used to make improvements to the city of Holcomb’s wastewater collection and treatment system. Planned improvements include manhole rehabilitations, lift station pump and control replacement, gravity main lining, and the construction of a non-discharge lagoon and spray field.

  • The Public Water Supply District #3 of Laclede County will benefit from a $1 million loan to improve its aging water distribution system by upgrading existing water tanks and replacing water meters. The district also plans to electronically map its water system.

  • The City of Thayer will use a $300,000 loan to complete improvements to its aging wastewater treatment and collection system, ultimately reducing inflow and infiltration, meeting proper effluent limits, and practicing environmentally sound wastewater treatment.

This announcement comes as part of a larger statement in which the Trump Administration announced that USDA is investing $462 million in 44 states to modernize critical drinking water and wastewater infrastructure across rural America.

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