Non-operational thermal plant leaves Bathinda lakes dirtier

Non-operational thermal plant leaves Bathinda lakes dirtier

Three lakes in the city are bearing the brunt of the closure of Guru Nanak Dev Thermal Plant here, as the water is no longer being used to generate electricity. As a result, water recycling is not happening and the water is getting dirtier with each passing day. Besides, the water level has receded up to 15 feet in the recent past.

Personnel of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), who train in the lake water, have complained of skin diseases.

Commandant Ravi Kumar Pandita of the 7th battalion of NDRF, said, “Since the lake water could not be recycled on account of closure of the thermal plant, it is getting dirtier. In the long run, it will pose serious risk to our personnel. The training sessions which usually start in April and continue till October can’t be organised due to the Covid-19 spread and partly due to the unclean water. Apart from training, our personnel also carry out rescue operations by fishing out persons who jump in lakes here.” Pandita requested the authorities concerned to provide a solution on priority.”

One of the divers said, “We are developing skin allergies because of the contaminated water in the lakes. People living in nearby ‘jhuggis’ also pollute the water. The local administration must come up with a comprehensive plan to ensure that lake water remains clean.”

A senior retired officer of the Bathinda thermal plant said, “Once touted as the ‘city of lakes’, Bathinda is failing to preserve its old glory. Thermal lakes that once added a unique aesthetic appeal to the city are falling prey to the apathy of officialdom. Not only are the lakes getting contaminated, but their water levels are also receding drastically.”

Devinder Pal Garg, Chief Engineer, Bathinda and Lehra thermal plants, said, “The thermal land has been transferred to PUDA, and we will bring the matter to their notice. We can reach a solution and for that all we need are heavy outlet water pipes to release the lake water in a canal to maintain the water levels.”

Disclaimer: This story has not been edited by Water Today staff and is generated from news feeds. Source: The Tribune

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