Full view of the Salori Sewage Treatment Plant
Full view of the Salori Sewage Treatment Plant

Toshiba Receives Japan Construction Int'l Award from Japan Ministry for STP built in Uttar Pradesh

Toshiba Water Solutions Private Limited (hereinafter TWS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter TISS), recently announced Japan Construction International Award conferred upon Salori Sewage Treatment Plant in Uttar Pradesh by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan. The Design, Build, Operate & Maintain and Transfer of the project and related facilities were undertaken by TWS. The Japan Construction International Award is a recognition of TWS’s achievements in the project in terms of Design, Build, Operate & Maintain and Transfer of Salori Sewage Treatment Plant and related facilities in Uttar Pradesh in India.

MLIT established the Japan Construction International Award in 2017. Through this award, MLIT aims to promote global understanding of the Japanese companies’ competitiveness and expects more projects to be carried out by Japanese companies. The Japan Construction International Award has become a symbol of “quality infrastructure” which commends (1) overseas construction projects which demonstrate Japan’s strengths and (2) small and medium-sized construction companies which play active and leading roles overseas. This is the first such award to be bestowed on Toshiba group.

Toshiba Water Solutions Private Limited (hereinafter TWS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter TISS), recently announced Japan Construction International Award conferred upon Salori Sewage Treatment Plant in Uttar Pradesh by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan. The Design, Build, Operate & Maintain and Transfer of the project and related facilities were undertaken by TWS. The Japan Construction International Award is a recognition of TWS’s achievements in the project in terms of Design, Build, Operate & Maintain and Transfer of Salori Sewage Treatment Plant and related facilities in Uttar Pradesh in India.

MLIT established the Japan Construction International Award in 2017. Through this award, MLIT aims to promote global understanding of the Japanese companies’ competitiveness and expects more projects to be carried out by Japanese companies. The Japan Construction International Award has become a symbol of “quality infrastructure” which commends (1) overseas construction projects which demonstrate Japan’s strengths and (2) small and medium-sized construction companies which play active and leading roles overseas. This is the first such award to be bestowed on Toshiba group.

Sewage treatment using the SBR process
Sewage treatment using the SBR process

In 2014, TWS concluded a contract with Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam (UPJN) for the project undertaken by the Indian government as part of its efforts to clean the Ganges. This project involves the designing and construction of a sewage treatment plant in Salori, Uttar Pradesh, including a main pump station, and a 10-year contract for the O&M of the plant.

TWS was highly regarded by the community for its initiatives towards sewage development, laying a foundation for the continuous participation in government projects, including those for the Ganges.

For this project, TWS offered a kind of activated sludge process called the Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) process, which helps to reduce the land area, construction period, and operating costs required while conforming to the Indian government’s required standard for the quality of the treated water. For the designing and construction of the plant, TWS also emphasized a reduction in life cycle costs by using easily available and easy-to-maintain equipment.

In addition, TISS and TWS proactively trained local engineers. The Indian engineers and Japanese engineers cooperated as one on the process and cost management, completing the project within stipulated time. The plant has been operating smoothly since its commencement in 2016.

Leveraging the award, Toshiba group will expand its water treatment business in India and elsewhere to establish sustainable water recycling systems and thereby contribute to the creation of environmentally advanced communities.

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